Spring On in to Your Local Mercedes-Benz Repair Shop

Published 6 years ago — by Lisa Federico

Spring into your nearest Mercedes-Benz repair shop.

Spring into your nearest Mercedes-Benz repair shop
Photo Credit: Rachel Kramer

We have braved the frigid cold, dumps of snow and icy roads of winter 2017-2018, and finally, springtime is near. Your vehicle probably took a huge beating due to the harsh winter conditions. While we transition to longer days, shorter nights and warmer temps, it's now time to think about getting your vehicle ready for spring driving on the roadways and interstates. Here are a few things to have inspected by your neighborhood Mercedes-Benz repair shop.

Under the Hood:

  • Belts and hoses can become weak and loose in cold temperatures be sure they are connected and there are no cracks.
  • Battery connections can be loose, full of dirt, grime and corrosion, and be fully drained due to the lower temps, driving load increases and more use of lights, wipers and heated seats.
  • Coolant should not be too old or too little, sometimes a flush is in order to keep your engine from overheating and working overtime.
  • Alignment & suspension can become damaged driving over potholes caused by the freezing roads.

Outside & Underneath the Vehicle:

  • Brakes take a beating on slick, wintery streets with the stop-go action, and the drop in temperature can corrode break lines.
  • Undercarriage cleaning is a necessity as salt from the roads can lead to corrosion and eat away your paint, which then can rust.
  • Wipers should be checked for wear and cracking, due to ice buildup and overuse from snowy driving days.
  • Tire pressure decreases in the cold, and increases in the warmth. Be sure your Mercedes-Benz has the correct tire pressure when going from cold to warm so it doesn't affect your driving handling and/or fuel economy.

Your trusted Mercedes-Benz mechanic can help get your Mercedes-Benz ready for springtime driving. If you don’t have an expert Mercedes-Benz specialist, find one in your area today!