• How To: Keep the Heating System Running Properly in Your Mercedes-Benz

    Published 1 year ago — by Lisa Federico

    Take your Mercedes-Benz to and independent Mercedes-Benz repair shop today for heater service!

    Keep your Mercedes-Benz's heating system running properly in the cold weather
    Photo Credit: Lisa M. Federico

    For comfort and safety in the cold months, it is important to keep the heating system in your Mercedes-Benz in good working condition. Here are some tips to help you maintain and ensure the effectiveness of your Mercedes-Benz’s heating system.

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  • What Are The Most Common Mercedes-Benz Repairs in Winter?

    Published 1 year ago — by Lisa Federico

    What Are The Most Common Auto Repairs in Winter?

    Do you need snow tires or chains in Winter? Maybe so...
    Photo Credit: Oregon Department of Transportation

    During the winter season your Mercedes-Benz can experience specific issues due to freezing temperatures and harsh weather and road conditions. With regular Mercedes-Benz maintenance you may be able to minimize the risk of a breakdown and possible catastrophic damage, but sometimes things happen that are out of your control. Here are some of the most common Mercedes-Benz repairs and issues that you may face in the winter months.

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  • Winter Mercedes-Benz Care: What Happens to a Car Battery in the Winter?

    Published 1 year ago — by Lisa Federico

    Holiday Travel Check List

    Keep your battery running in freezing winter temps!
    Photo Credit: Carodean Road Designs

    What does a car battery actually do?

    Obviously, we all know the battery in your Mercedes-Benz serves as a crucial component that provides electrical power to various electrical systems in the vehicle. The main functions include, starting the engine, powering lights/radio/windows/AC/etc, and voltage stabilization.

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  • Winter Mercedes-Benz Care: What is Antifreeze and Why Do I Need it?

    Published 1 year ago — by Lisa Federico

    What is antifreeze and do I need it?

    What is antifreeze and do I need it?
    Photo Credit: Alex Pepperhill

    What Is Antifreeze?

    Antifreeze is a liquid mixture of water and ethylene glycol that is used to prevent the freezing and overheating of the engine in your Mercedes-Benz. You may have heard the term “coolant” interchanged with “antifreeze,” they are similar, but comprised of different concentrations.

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  • Winter Mercedes-Benz Care: What Are Winter Tires and Do I Need Them?

    Published 1 year ago — by Lisa Federico

    Do I need winter tires or snow tires for my ride?

    Do I need winter tires or snow tires for my ride?
    Photo Credit: Jack Lyons

    The term “winter tires” may also be referred to as “snow tires.” They are designed to provide your Mercedes-Benz with better handling, traction and braking in cold conditions, including snow and ice. You won’t need to have them on your Mercedes-Benz all year long, as it is advisable to switch back to all-season tires for optimal performance in the warmer months.

    A few factors can help determine if your Mercedes-Benz should have winter tires. Things to consider include:

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